The GX Touch 50 is the display accessory for our Cerbo GX. The five inch a touch screen display gives an instant overview of your system and allows to adjust settings in the blink of an eye. Simply connected to the Cerbo GX with one cable, its super slim waterproof design, top-mountable setup and its simple installation bring a lot of flexibility when creating a crisp and clean dashboard.
Watch the new video that explains all there is to know about installing the new Cerbo GX & GX Touch 50.
Simply mounted
The GX Touch is optimised to more than meet the standards of installer professionals. The screen is simply bolted on top of a dashboard, eliminating the need to create perfect cut-outs (like with the ColorControl GX) and is connected through just one cable, taking away the hassle of having to bring many wires to a dashboard.
The GX Touch 50 is a companion to the Cerbo GX, the all-new communication-centre allows you to always have perfect control over your system from wherever you are and maximises its performance. Simply connect through our Victron Remote Management (VRM) portal, or access directly, using the GX Touch 50, a MFD or our VictronConnect app thanks to its added Bluetooth capability. This latest addition to the GX-range combines all the best of connectivity, redefining smart power solutions in every way
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