Off-grid power for sheds, barns and garages
Power is often wanted in sheds and garages, but it can be awkward and expensive to run long cables from the nearest power point. Solar panels can be the ideal solution. It might be a lone, small solar panel used to power occasional, low-energy lighting, or a bigger installation that gives enough power to drive an inverter to produce mains voltage for power tools and other appliances.

Take a look at our 'Small Framed Solar Panels' here, or for 1.6m and above sized panels follow this link for 'Large Solar Panels'.
For best results, you should try to mount the panels facing south, at quite a steep angle - about 45-60 degrees is best for the UK. Don't worry if your shed has a roof that doesn't face directly south, or has a shallower pitch - you will get slightly less power from the panels, but the difference isn't enormous. One 100 Watt panel, attached to a couple of 100Ah lead acid batteries through a Victron controller, should give enough electricity to power lights for a couple of hours per night for most of the year. If possible, use low voltage fluorescent or LED lights - they are more efficient. If you only need lights occasionally, or for short periods, you can get away with smaller panels.
Running power tools from an inverter is also very practical because typically, the tools are only used for a few minutes or so at a time. The amount of energy used from the battery isn't as much as you might expect. However, if you want to run a fridge to keep your beer cold, you might need several panels, and even then, don't expect to be able to run it in winter - fridges are notoriously power hungry!
Wind turbines can also be a useful source of power, especially in winter when there is less solar power available. However, they do require a clear airflow, with few obstructions upwind of the installation in the prevailing wind direction. Unfortunately, for that reason they often perform poorly in urban areas. On the other hand, they can be an ideal solution for remote barns for example, especially when they can be mounted at a high level where the wind is stronger.
If you need more help or advice for any shed, barn or garage solar kits, please contact us here.